The Gorilla Guide to taking data to the edge

Edge computing is one of the most important emerging areas of IT infrastructure but one that remains a mystery to many. In the Gorilla Guide to hybrid edge computing, we looked at the foundational principles of pushing data to the edge—the advantages and the challenges.

Real-life stories from the edge

In part 2, we share case studies from across our customer base to show how companies are solving real-world problems, generated from the use of more and more connected devices. In this decade, internet-connected devices are expected to grow to 20 billion, which means soaring bandwidth and network demands will also explode, and we expect instant service, low latency, and zero bandwidth issues from these devices.

Download (part 2) of our Gorilla Guide to explore how several large companies in different industries are applying edge technology and computing, including:

  • Smart Cities
  • Sports and Video
  • Healthcare

View the Ebook

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