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Peak 10 Evolves DRaaS Offering with New Tiers for Tailored and Scalable Protection

New DRaaS tiers provide Peak 10 customers with further DR flexibility to best fit their hybrid IT workloads.

06 / 28 / 2016
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CHARLOTTE, N.C. – June 28, 2016 – Peak 10 - National IT infrastructure and cloud services provider, Peak 10, Inc., drives innovation with one of the industry’s most comprehensive Disaster Recovery as a Service (DRaaS) portfolios, offering three levels of cost-effective, flexible and secure disaster recovery (DR) tuned to any organization’s business environment. Peak 10’s new tiered offerings – Recovery Cloud Premium, Recovery Cloud Prime and Recovery Cloud Essentials – allow customers to build tailored DR programs, while ensuring rapid recovery of mission-critical applications and minimal data loss in the event of a failure.

“No organization is immune to data loss, and the cost of an outage can, in some cases, reach millions of dollars per hour of downtime. As businesses assess their own environments, we have seen tremendous demand for scalable DR solutions as alternatives to a costly or underservicing one-size-fits-all approach,” said David Loy, Peak 10 Product Line Director, Cloud. “With our tiered expansion, Peak 10 can help customers of all sizes and industries manage their risk and investment with DR tailored to their needs.”

With organizations maturing at various rates and prioritizing IT applications differently, Peak 10’s Recovery Cloud solutions provide the flexibility needed to create the most comprehensive DR plans possible. Unlike other solutions, all three of Peak 10’s DRaaS tier solutions are built on the same technology, allowing users to easily move from one level to another as their business grows or recovery needs change. Customers can choose the tier that works best for their IT infrastructure and applications, based on business requirements and budget. Or, they can choose multiple tiers to create a tailored, comprehensive and cost-effective DR solution.

Peak 10’s three DRaaS tiers are:

  • Recovery Cloud Premium: Peak 10’s premium DRaaS solution for mature, large or complex IT environments, or for mission-critical workloads, such as ecommerce or ERP, with little tolerance for downtime.
  • Recovery Cloud Prime: Peak 10’s most demanded DRaaS solution for mainstay workloads in small-to-midsized businesses.
  • Recovery Cloud Essentials: For business just getting starting with DR, or for meeting regulatory or business partner requirements for non-mission-critical workloads.

For business just getting starting with DR, or for meeting regulatory or business partner requirements for non-mission-critical workloads.

In addition to DRaaS, Peak 10 offers physical DR via colocation and physical space in its 27 data centers across the U.S., in addition to backup and restore services. It also offers a downtime calculator to help companies determine what failure of one or more critical applications really costs a business.

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