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What is mesh interconnect architecture?

Mesh interconnect architecture connects data centers together and solves the common roadblocks of scalability and reliability that often plague multi-site deployments.

02 / 21 / 2023
3 minute read
Interconnection Mesh

It’s a more flexible, simplified architecture that supports added application capacity to users in regional markets. For data-minded organizations that need fast and secure service growth, mesh architecture provides built-in redundancy, reduced latency, and high-availability connections.

An introduction to how mesh interconnect architecture works

A traditional ring interconnect architecture is like a one-direction bus loop, in which every “stop” (or processor or node) is connected only to the nodes behind and in front–like a big circle or square. It’s suitable for connecting a few stops, but if you need to add additional nodes, the architecture becomes unwieldy and resource-intensive. 

Mesh interconnect architecture is more like a fleet of on-demand rails that easily connect with any node thanks to a latticed or “meshed” network. Every stop is connected in four directions to the stops around it. In terms of moving data, it equates to higher bandwidth, reduced latency, and built-in redundancy. If one node goes down, numerous pathways still exist from point A to B. And new nodes can be integrated easily, improving the quality of the mesh architecture, especially for multi-site deployments near regional hubs. Read more information about what a mesh interconnection network is here.

Examples of mesh interconnect architecture

Across many industries, enterprises are increasingly adopting mesh architectures to adapt to the rapid changes in customer needs. Mesh interconnect architecture addresses challenges in the interaction between microservices while providing additional service discovery, load balancing, security, and monitoring capabilities. 

Examples of Mesh Interconnect Architecture in real-world industries and use cases can be seen in:

  • Optic Broadband Global Communications & Internet Connectivity
  • Optical Wireless Security
  • Dynamic Thermal Management
  • Green & Sustainable Computing

Current research into the next generation of network and architecture design has brought to light the essential role mesh interconnection architecture plays in deploying network architectures that address the challenges to capacity, latency, and reliability seen today.

How Flexential leverages mesh interconnect architecture

The current trend in data center interconnection and expansion means placing multiple network stacks in growing regional markets. These stacks require more data center interconnections (DCIs) and more carrier circuits at a higher cost. It increases complexity and slows deployment time. These added connections lack the inherent redundancy of a mesh architecture.

Flexential is leveraging the robustness and connectivity of mesh interconnect architecture to future-proof the multi-site connections and colocation deployment of growing organizations.

The benefits of Flexential Interconnection Mesh

Flexential Interconnection Mesh is designed to simplify multi-site network connectivity and provide built-in redundancy. It features agile and highly available any-to-any connection types, allowing customers to plug into a port for instant connection to all other ports on the Interconnection Mesh.

This flexibility is helpful and cost-effective for organizations to add redundant sites and services quickly, especially as complex networks across four or more data centers become resource- and management-intensive. A streamlined interconnection process is critical to maintaining a fast, reliable architecture while scaling.

Reduce complexity and streamline your data center interconnection strategy for multi-site deployments. Learn more about Flexential Interconnection Mesh or reach out to our team for a quote today.

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