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Cloud interconnect: What you need to know

These days, knowing the particulars of cloud technology and how your company can use it to its advantage is not only necessary but also provides a competitive advantage. At the heart of this technological evolution lies the concept of cloud interconnect, which could redefine how your organization accesses and interacts with cloud environments. 

01 / 26 / 2024
11 minute read
Cloud Interconnect

With many businesses turning to cloud-based solutions, we developed this blog to help explain the complex nature of cloud interconnects. Building on our earlier blog defining what is a data center, we aim to provide you with a clear and comprehensive understanding of the functions, benefits, and transformative impact of cloud interconnects, as well as the impact they can have on your business operations. We will also demonstrate how Flexential stands out in providing top-tier cloud interconnect services. Let’s get started.

What is cloud interconnect?

Simply put, a cloud interconnect refers to the dedicated network connection linking a company’s on-premises infrastructure directly to a cloud service provider (CSP). This dedicated connection bridges the gap between private, on-site data centers and public cloud environments, allowing for a seamless, secure, and high-speed data exchange. This can also help lower your cloud expenses through reduced egress fees

Unlike traditional methods that rely on public internet connections, cloud interconnect provides a more controlled and efficient pathway for high availability of data transfer. This distinction is critical, as depending on the public internet for data transfer can often lead to unpredictable network performance, higher latency, and increased security risks.

Importance of cloud interconnect in the modern world

Cloud interconnect is becoming a must-have for organizations in every industry rather than just a high-tech perk for large corporations in today's globalized economy. It is crucial for managing data effectively and securely as dependence on cloud-based platforms increases, particularly in critical industries like finance, healthcare, and e-commerce. In the era of big data, cloud interconnect enables fast data transfer between on-premises systems and cloud services, which is crucial for real-time analytics and decision-making.

Key industries utilizing cloud interconnect

Finance: Cloud interconnect guarantees fast and secure data transfers in the finance industry, where milliseconds can affect transactions worth millions of dollars. They also assist in adhering to strict regulatory requirements about privacy and data security.

Healthcare: The healthcare industry benefits significantly from cloud interconnect, especially for telemedicine services and electronic health records. It ensures the safe and effective transmission of private patient data, essential for patient care and adherence to laws governing health data.

E-commerce: For e-commerce businesses, cloud interconnect is vital in managing high-volume online transactions and providing customers with a smooth and responsive shopping experience. It also supports integrating various services, from payment gateways to customer relationship management systems.

As businesses increasingly adopt IoT (Internet of Things), AI (Artificial Intelligence), and machine learning technologies, the need for robust cloud interconnection and architecture becomes even more pronounced. These technologies require the rapid transfer and processing of data, which cloud interconnect facilitates efficiently.

Types of cloud interconnect

Understanding the different types of cloud interconnect services becomes crucial for businesses looking to optimize their network infrastructure and prepare themselves for the future. Each type of interconnect service—direct, partner, and hybrid—offers unique advantages tailored to specific business needs and objectives. Direct interconnection is physical, hosted is provided by a partner, while hybrid is a mix of both for redundancy and other reasons.

How cloud interconnect works

By understanding how cloud interconnect operates, businesses can better leverage cloud capabilities, ensuring optimized resource utilization, enhanced security, and improved communication across their digital landscape. Here, we look at the key components that constitute cloud interconnect functionality: Networking in the Cloud, VPNs, and the concepts of Peering and Transit.

Networking in the cloud

Networking in the cloud involves creating a virtual network within the cloud environment, which acts similar to your on-premises infrastructure. It provides the backbone for cloud services, allowing for the efficient and secure transfer of data across different cloud-based applications and services. This setup is designed to replicate traditional networking features in a cloud setting, including IP addressing, routing, and access control, but with the added benefits of scalability and flexibility inherent in cloud technologies.

Hosted connection and peering

Peering and transit are fundamental methods for exchanging data over the internet within the sphere of cloud interconnect.

  • Peering refers to the direct network connection between two entities on the internet, allowing them to exchange traffic. This direct connection often results in lower latency, higher bandwidth, and improved control over routing, making it an efficient way to handle data transfer.
  • Transit, on the other hand, involves routing traffic through a third-party network, typically an internet service provider (ISP). In this scenario, the ISP facilitates the data transfer between the business and its cloud provider. While this method might introduce additional hops and potential latency, it provides broader access to the internet and can be a cost-effective solution for some businesses.

Benefits of using cloud interconnect

The many benefits of cloud interconnect have entirely changed how organizations interface with cloud environments. Compared to conventional networking techniques, these connections offer significant advantages in terms of speed and security. Below, we explore the key benefits of using cloud interconnect.

Speed and network performance

One of the primary and most talked about advantages of cloud interconnect is the significant boost in data transfer speeds, directly contributing to reduced latency. When milliseconds can impact business outcomes, the high-speed capabilities of cloud interconnect ensures that data is transmitted rapidly and reliably. This is especially crucial for applications requiring real-time data processing and businesses operating in financial services sectors, where speed is synonymous with competitive advantage. By bypassing the congested public internet and leveraging direct connections to cloud providers, cloud interconnect minimizes delays, offering a smoother, more responsive user experience.

Security and compliance

Cloud interconnect significantly reduces the risk of data breaches and cyber-attacks by facilitating direct connections that do not traverse the public internet. This is particularly important for industries handling sensitive information, such as healthcare and banking, where data security is not just a necessity but often a regulatory requirement. Cloud interconnect ensures that data is encrypted and transmitted over secure channels, maintaining confidentiality and integrity and helping businesses comply with various data protection regulations.

Scalability and flexibility

Cloud interconnect stands out for its scalability and flexibility, allowing businesses to adapt to growth and changing needs easily. Unlike traditional networking setups, which can be rigid and capacity-limited, cloud interconnect offers the ability to scale bandwidth and services up or down as required, ensuring that businesses can handle increased data loads without significant upfront investments in infrastructure. In addition, the flexibility of cloud interconnects supports a variety of cloud architectures and models, enabling businesses to tailor their cloud environment to specific operational requirements, whether they’re expanding, integrating new services, or entering new markets.

Cost-effectiveness and efficiency

Finally, cloud interconnect offers superior cost-effectiveness and operational efficiency compared to traditional networking methods. Providing direct connections to cloud services reduces the need for extensive on-premises hardware and maintenance, leading to significant cost savings. Additionally, improved data handling and transmission efficiency ensures that resources are optimally utilized, further reducing operational costs. For businesses, this means a reduction in capital expenditure and ongoing operating expenses, allowing for a more efficient allocation of IT budgets.

Different cloud interconnect providers

Several leading providers offer specialized cloud interconnect services and have developed robust, dedicated interconnect platforms that cater to a range of business needs, ensuring secure, fast, and reliable cloud connectivity. Let's explore some of these key cloud interconnect providers and their offerings.

Google Cloud Interconnect

Google Cloud Interconnect is a service provided by Google Cloud that enables enterprises to connect their on-premises network infrastructure directly to the Google Cloud platform. This service is designed to offer higher performance, lower latency, and increased security compared to traditional methods of connecting to the cloud over the public internet. It offers diverse solutions, including Dedicated Interconnect for a physical connection and Partner Interconnect for Hosted Connections, meeting various business needs. Its global reach is ensured by Google's extensive network, and it integrates seamlessly with the Google Cloud platform's vast array of services, such as storage, computing, and analytics.

Amazon Web Services Direct Connect

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Direct Connect is a specialized service offered by Amazon that enables a private network connection from your local infrastructure to connect directly to AWS, bypassing the public internet. This service provides many benefits, including private network connectivity from data centers, or colocation environments to AWS, which enhances network reliability, reduces latency, and increases bandwidth throughput. Such a direct connection is particularly advantageous for applications needing real-time processing and handling of sensitive data, as it offers enhanced security compared to standard internet connections.

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute

Microsoft Azure ExpressRoute is a cloud service from Microsoft that provides a private, dedicated network connection between your on-premises infrastructure and the Azure cloud, offering enhanced security, greater reliability, and lower latencies than typical internet connections. ExpressRoute is particularly beneficial for data-intensive tasks, as it facilitates higher bandwidth speeds and more predictable performance, making it ideal for scenarios such as data migration, replication for business continuity, and high-performance computing.

Oracle FastConnect

FastConnect provides an option for customers to establish a direct, secure, and high-capacity connection to their Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) virtual cloud network. Customers can choose a suitable port speed based on their data usage and pay a fixed, affordable price every month.

Implementing cloud interconnect

Adopting cloud interconnect involves more than just the technical implementation; it's about ensuring that your cloud strategy aligns with your overall business goals. The process involves understanding your unique business needs, meticulously planning your network architecture, and managing the interconnects for optimal performance. Let’s break down these steps to guide you through implementing an effective cloud interconnect.

Determining your cloud interconnect needs

The first step in implementing cloud interconnects is to assess the nature of your data, the applications you use, your performance demands, and your security and compliance needs. Factors such as the size of your organization, the industry in which you operate, and future scalability should also be considered. By clearly defining these requirements, you can determine the type of cloud interconnect that best suits your business, be it connecting over the public internet or via dedicated or hosted interconnects.

Planning and designing your cloud interconnect

Once your needs are identified, the next step is planning and designing your cloud interconnect. This involves creating a detailed blueprint of your network architecture, considering the integration of on-premises infrastructure with cloud resources. Key considerations include selecting the right cloud interconnect and supported service provider, determining bandwidth requirements, and ensuring redundancy and failover strategies are in place. A well-thought-out design also involves assessing network routing, data security protocols, and compliance with industry standards.

Implementing and managing your cloud interconnect

The final phase involves the actual implementation of the cloud interconnect, followed by ongoing management. Implementation should be executed according to the planned design, with careful monitoring to ensure smooth integration and minimal disruption. Once implemented, managing your cloud interconnect involves regular monitoring, performance optimization, and adapting to changing business needs. This includes managing bandwidth usage, ensuring security protocols are up-to-date, and periodically reviewing the interconnect setup to ensure it continues to meet your business requirements.

Security aspects of cloud interconnect

A secure cloud interconnect not only protects sensitive data but also ensures business continuity and compliance with regulatory standards. Here, we highlight the key security aspects of cloud interconnect, focusing on encryption, physical security, and best practices.

The role of encryption

Encryption involves converting data into a coded format that can only be accessed and deciphered by authorized parties. This ensures that even if data is intercepted during transmission, it remains unreadable and secure.

Physical security and network infrastructure

Physical security measures ensure that the hardware and facilities integral to cloud interconnect are safeguarded against unauthorized access, damage, or interference and involve controlled access to data center locations, surveillance systems, secure hardware enclosures, and rigorous monitoring of environmental factors like temperature and humidity.

Future trends in cloud interconnect

As we look towards the future of cloud, interconnect, several emerging trends will reshape how businesses leverage the cloud. One of the most significant trends is the rise of hybrid multi-cloud approaches, combining private and public cloud services. Hybrid multi-cloud approaches offer a solution that addresses diverse business requirements by allowing businesses to tailor their own virtual private cloud environment to specific needs while optimizing costs and performance. As businesses start to look at private vs public cloud, hybrid options become more prominent.

Another transformative trend is the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in network optimization. AI and ML can predict network traffic and patterns, adjust bandwidth, and optimize routes, enhancing performance and reducing latency.

Lastly, the advent of 5G promises unprecedented data transfer speeds and reliability, facilitating more robust cloud interconnects. Coupled with edge computing, where data processing occurs closer to the data source, it significantly reduces latency and improves response times.

FlexTalk Jan On Demand

Want to learn more about data centers in the AI era? Catch our latest FlexTalk webinar, where thought leaders share their insights on emerging AI trends and strategies. Watch on demand.

Flexential: Choose the right cloud interconnect solution

Flexential offers a comprehensive range of cloud interconnect services to ensure network reliability, security, and efficiency, enabling businesses to position themselves for success in the digital age.

Built on a powerful 100Gbps network backbone, Cloud Fabric provides clients with industry-leading reliability and speed. This robust infrastructure is complemented by an extensive array of carriers, subsea cables, and low-latency connections to major cloud providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and Oracle Cloud. This network excellence ensures businesses can rely on Flexential for uninterrupted connectivity and consistent network performance.

Our approach to connectivity is all about customization and flexibility, with services designed to fit every reliability, redundancy, and efficiency requirement, regardless of the business size or sector. By combining connectivity to data centers, the internet, and cloud service providers, Flexential delivers superior network performance and interconnection tailored to each client's unique needs.


The Flexential comprehensive range of cloud interconnect solutions embodies the perfect blend of performance, security, and flexibility. Whether connecting to cloud providers, managing vast data volumes, or ensuring network reliability, Flexential offers the expertise and infrastructure to exceed the most demanding business requirements on-demand using a customer-driven portal interface. With Flexential, businesses can confidently navigate the complexities of cloud interconnect, knowing they have a partner invested in their success.

Learn more about Flexential interconnection solutions by visiting our website or scheduling a consultation.

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