Gated Webinar Hero

Navigating the cloud migration journey: FlexTalk with VMware


In today’s fast-paced digital age, migrating to the cloud is no longer just an option, it's a necessity for organizations who want to stay competitive.

But with so many potential pitfalls along the way, the process of cloud migration can seem daunting.

Join us for FlexTalk, where experts from VMware and Flexential will provide a roadmap to help you navigate a successful migration to the cloud, including:

  • Cloud migration dos and don’ts, from assessing workloads to selecting the right cloud provider
  • Best practices for managing the migration process and ensuring a successful outcome
  • How to navigate and address common challenges that organizations face along the way

Whether you’re just starting to consider cloud migration or have already begun the process, this webinar will provide valuable insights and practical guidance to help you navigate the journey with ease.  

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn how to make the most of the cloud and avoid common mistakes along the way. Join us for this exciting FlexTalk and take the first step toward a successful cloud migration! 

Jason Konzak
Jason Konzak
Senior Vice President, Professional Services,
Michael Fitzgerald
Michael Fitzgerald
Sr Director, Engineering,
Rafael Vidaillet
Rafael Vidaillet
Director, Americas Cloud Service Providers,

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