Connectivity solutions to fit every requirement

Access hundreds of carriers, hyperscale cloud providers and hybrid IT networks to enable your interconnection needs for both wired and wireless.  


Ensure network connectivity, reliability, redundancy and efficiency

Your need for high-performance interconnection services and capabilities will be surpassed in the Flexential connectivity-rich facilities. The combination of an industry-leading 100Gbps network backbone, access to subsea cables and secure, low latency connections to hyperscale cloud providers such as AWS Direct Connect, Google, Oracle and Microsoft Azure, delivers premium performance, reliability and service delivery while maintaining low latency for optimal performance of your applications. Flexential managed connectivity solutions, available in today’s fastest-growing U.S. cities, help you expand your reach to the network edge and beyond.

Tailored interconnection solutions to solve today’s business challenges

Connecting users with applications and workloads brings connectivity challenges. Flexential interconnection solutions help you modernize and optimize your network. By combining connectivity to data centers, the internet, and leading cloud service providers, Flexential fits every requirement to deliver superior network performance and interconnection. Turn to Flexential for reliable, secure, and scalable interconnections that will evolve with your business.

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Accelerate your hybrid IT journey, reduce spend, and gain a trusted partner

Reach out with a question, business challenge, or infrastructure goal. We’ll provide a customized FlexAnywhere® solution blueprint.